Reports on Sarah Jones MP’s meeting on ‘How do volunteer libraries work?’

Sarah Jones MP, the MP for Croydon Central, hosted a meeting, particularly targetting invitations to those who have volunteered before.
It was advertised as a meeting on “How do community-run libraries work?”
Did you attend?
Let us know your thoughts.
Reports from those who attended write,

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Comments on Sarah Jones MP’s meeting on ‘How do community-run libraries work?’ – 14 Dec 2020

Sarah Jones MP, the MP for Croydon Central, hosted a meeting, particularly targetting invitations to those who have volunteered before.

Image: Ken Baker – Used with permission

It did not go down well.

Here is a selection of comments, posted on Facebook:
“I can’t’ believe our local MP.
How insulting to our intelligence. Very quiet about cuts now supporting Labour Council who messed up. Helping them to replace paid qualified librarians with volunteers.


“Our local Labour MPs have been more silent about the council bankruptcy than any library I have ever been in.”

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Sarah Jones MP’s email to residents

Email sent to promote the meeting on community-run libraries, held in December 2020.

Our highlights in RED.


I am writing to you because you have previously expressed an interest in volunteering in Croydon and helping the community.

We have all seen the news about the financial position of Croydon Council and we know that some very difficult decisions will have to be taken about the services that the council can provide. We know that the library service is considered and that some of our libraries will have to be run in a different way or closed.


With this in mind, I have organised a community meeting early next week (Monday, 14th December, 6-7:30PM) in order to bring us together to discuss how we can overcome the challenges we face. There will be people in attendance from all over the country who have experience of operating libraries on various different models, as well as representatives from Croydon Council and Croydon Voluntary Action.

Here is the panel:

  • Simon Higgs – V22 a social enterprise, running libraries across Lewisham
  • Stuart Lynd – The Place at Platt Lane, Manchester a volunteer supported library
  • Steve Phaure – Croydon Voluntary Action
  • Cllr Oliver Lewis – Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries

I would be delighted if you could come along to find out more about these models and what we all might be able to do to help. Please register here to secure your attendance on 6th December: 18:00-19:30. I look forward to seeing you there:

All the best,


Sarah Jones MP “


Sarah Jones MP’s meeting on ‘How do community-run libraries work?’

Sarah Jones MP, the MP for Croydon Croydon Council had even begun to consult residents on the five libraries under threat.
This meeting was held on 14 December, 2020, a month before the libraries consultation was launched.
It was advertised, as follows, on Facebook:
“How do community-run libraries work?
We have all seen the news about the financial position of Croydon Council and we know that some very difficult decisions will have to be taken about the services that the Council can provide. We know that the library service is considered and that some of our libraries will have to be run in a different way or closed. This meeting will explore how libraries can be community-run. I have invited people from across the UK who are running local libraries to hear how it’s done. We will also hear from the Council. It will be an opportunity to listen and learn and perhaps begin to think about what we could do right here in Croydon:
Simon Higgs – V22a social enterprise, running libraries across Lewisham
Stuart Lynd – The Place at Platt Lane, Manchester a volunteer-supported library
Steve Phaure – Croydon Voluntary Action
Cllr Oliver Lewis – Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries
Please come along to my meeting on at 6.00pm – 7.30pm on Monday 14th December to learn more – register here:…/u5MlcemrrzMtHdT0v6ejreF…”
This is what others thought:
Comments post on social media, here.
Reports by people who attended, here.
Did YOU attend?
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